There are several benefits to using a lark’s head knot over other types of knots. When starting a thread, both threads will come from the same side which can make a project start out more evenly. Lark’s head knots are secure and will not untie or slip. Plus, the lark’s head knot is decorative. One thing many people don’t realize is that lark’s head knots are not just a beginning to a project. Lark’s head knots can be tied in a row as a decorative element, either around a cord or a metal ring like this ​uncovered metal ring.

Other Side of a Lark’s Head Knot

A lark’s head knot can be made with any type of cord or thread that is flexible enough to be folded in half without it breaking. For example, lark’s head knots may be tied using leather cords, hemp or other fiber cords. This tutorial will show you how to tie a lark’s head knot in the leather cord to make a simple pendant necklace. Before you start a lark’s head knot: One thing you should know is that the knot looks different on each side. There’s no clear “this is the front” and “this is the back” rule—it comes down to personal preference. Therefore, we tend to think of this side as the back as we prefer the look in the first picture to be the front. The directions from here on assume that you agree with this assessment.

Starting a Lark’s Head Knot

If the object you are tying the knot on has a front or back, decide which side of the knot you like best. If you like the first picture as the front, turn the item so the backside is facing you before following these instructions.  Fold the thread you want to tie the lark’s head knot within half down the middle. You now have two cord ends.  Slip the folded end behind or beneath the place where the knot will be tied. The images show the knot being tied around a shell buckle, so in this example, you would slide the cord underneath the top of the buckle.

Pull the Cord Around

 Pull the cord up around the object you are tying the knot over. Try to make sure the cords don’t become twisted.

Slip the Cord Ends Through the Loop

 To make the lark’s head knot, pull the other two strands through the loop.

Tighten the Lark’s Head Knot

To tighten the lark’s head knot, hold the two cords in one hand and the object you tied around in the other and pull. When you are working with a stiff cord such as thick leather, you may need to soften and bend the cord to help it to stay tight.

Finished Lark’s Head Knot

 Your lark’s head knot is done. You can use this simple knot to make great jewelry.

Lark’s Head Knot Necklace

Here is a necklace with another style of the mother of pearl shell pendant, a lark’s head knot, and then a glass chevron bead. Dangles will eventually be added to the bottom hole on the pendant to complete the necklace.

Lark’s Head Knot Bracelet

This easy-to-make bracelet has a stone donut attached to hemp cords using lark’s head knots. The knot is decorative, but also very secure since there is no way for the knot to slip or become untied. Edited by Lisa Yang