If you are someone who has been on this platform for some time, you might have made a number of friends. Sometimes, you might want to keep track of how many people you have made friends with on this app but it can be quite complicated as you will not find a built-in feature that shows you the number of your friends. Even though there is no built-in setup to show you your friends, there are still many options available on Snapchat that will allow you to keep track of them. In this article, you will learn how to see how many friends you have on Snapchat.

How to See How Many Friends You Have on Snapchat?

In order to see how many friends you have on Snapchat, you will have to make sure that you are bidirectional friends with people i.e. both of you must have added on another otherwise, Snapchat will not take the two of you as friends. In this article, we have included three methods using which, you can count how many friends you have on Snapchat and those methods are:

  1. By Using Snapchat Map
  2. By Counting
  3. By Posting a Story

1. By Using Snap Map

This is one of the most effective ways to see how many friends you have on Snapchat. This method is very reliable since, with the help of Snapchat maps, you can find out the number of Friends you have shared location with. To check your number of friends using Snapchat Maps:

1. Open Snapchat and click on ‘Maps’ icon.

2. Click on ‘Settings’ icon.

3. Make sure your ‘Ghost Mode’ is off and then tap on ‘Only These Friends’ option.

4. All your friends will appear there. Click on ‘Select All’ and ‘Save‘ it.

5. Go back and tap on your ‘Profile’.

6. Scroll down to ‘Snap Map’. Your number of friends will be displayed there.

In this way, you can see how many friends you have on Snapchat.

2. By Counting

Another method you can see how many friends you have on Snapchat is by counting them. You can do so by:

1. Log into Snapchat and tap on your ‘Profile’.

2. Go to ‘My Friends’ option.

3. All of your friends will be displayed there. Count to find out the number.

This process is a pretty time and energy consuming but it gives the exact number of people you are friends with.

3. By Posting a Story

Another method to check your friend list is by posting a story on Snapchat. When you post a story, it will be available only for 24 hours so, all your friends might not view it. Thus, this method only gives the approximation of a number of people that are your friends. You can use this method by:

1. Log into Snapchat and take a random snap or import photo.

2. Select a picture and put it as your story.

3. Access your story and at the bottom, number of views will be shown giving you the approximation of number of friends you may have.

Make sure that your story is only visible to your friends and not to the public since it’s counting the friends that we are focusing on.

How to Add Friends on Snapchat?

The major reason for anyone to use social media platforms is to have effective communication with their friends. On Snapchat, you cannot communicate with each other through texts/calls if you are not bidirectional friends. For this to happen, one must send a friend request and the other has to accept it. There are many ways to add friends on Snapchat and some of them are:

  1. From Contacts: It is the easiest method to add friends on Snapchat. You can sync your Snapchat account with your contact list and easily add friends through it.
  2. From Quick Add: This option is available on Snapchat and shows you a mutual friend of your friends that you may know and you can add them.
  3. From Search Option: You can type the username or name of your friends in the search bar and find them on Snapchat.
  4. Using QR code: You can request your friends for the QR code of their account and easily add them on Snapchat by scanning it. Thus, by using these methods, you can easily add friends on Snapchat.


Hence, using these different methods mentioned above, you can very easily see how many friends you have on Snapchat. The easiest and most effective of them all is by using Snapchat map since you can see the exact number of friends you have without having to spend a lot of time and energy counting. If you do not want to share the map after you have checked your friend list, you can turn on the ghost mode or deselect them. Hope this article cleared all your confusion and doubts. Leave comments if you are having any further problems doing so. Also Read: How To Reverse A Video On Snapchat? Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest tech news, tips & tricks, and tech reviews.


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