An astounding number of groups are made on Telegram and can be connected. Telegram can easily be used to exchange immoral and illegal files with each other. Even though Telegram doesn’t take down the group without prior warnings and proper reviewing of the report, the final action taken is the group taken down. To speed up the process, you have to report Telegram group and that is exactly what we are here to share today. That is why it is important to know how to report Telegram Group that shares Telegram’s regulations for safety. Otherwise, in a pool of so many people, spam messages, illegal files, and immoral files will continue to circle.

How to Report Telegram Group?

To report a Telegram Group, you need to be a member of the group. There are two types of groups on Telegram: Once you are a member of the group, keep on reading to learn how to report Telegram group:

1.     Go to the Telegram group you want to report.

2.     Click on the three vertical dots and press Report.

3.     Tap on the specific reason why you want to report the group.

4.     Type in additional details relevant to your report and press ‘Send Report’.

Note: If your reasons aren’t Spam, Violence, Pornography, then you have to click the Other section and describe your reason before sending the report.

What happens when you report a group on Telegram?

When multiple reports are made to a group, the Telegram Moderator gets the report to review it. One report isn’t enough for Telegram to shut down the group. But if multiple reports are made and the group’s shared content, be it text messages or files, violates Telegram’s Terms of Service, then the group will be blocked.

How to shut down a Telegram group?

Shutting down a Telegram group minus the reporting done is possible only when you are the admin or the moderator of the group. And, shutting down a Telegram group essentially means deleting or closing the group. If you are one, then all you need to do is open the group and click on the three vertical dots. Then click on ‘Delete and leave group’ and tick the box for ‘Delete the group for all members’ and press DELETE GROUP.

Can a Telegram group be banned?

The admin or moderator of a group can ban a user, but a group cannot be banned. A user who violates the group’s rules can also be kicked out of the group.


Telegram was created so a great number of people could connect minus the speed bump, in a safe environment. But it quickly became a spamming zone or an optimized zone for people committing immoral acts. Telegram Groups became a place to widespread indecency. So, to bring back safety and to diminish such damaging groups, it is better to report Telegram groups that promote such acts. And, we hope by now you know how to do that, and why you should be reporting it to Telegram too. Disclaimer: For your safety! Also Read: How To Invite People To Telegram Group? Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest tech news, tips & tricks, and tech reviews.


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