There were two major obstacles when trying to make a money origami kusudama flower. The first is that the dollar bill is a rectangular shape, where the instructions for a basic kusudama flower specify that you use square paper. The second is that it’s frowned upon to deface U.S. currency, so you can’t just glue the petals of the flower together like you would in a regular kusudama flower. This tutorial uses a slightly different folding technique and keeps the flower petals together with paper clips so it can easily be taken apart and spent by the recipient. Repeat the process until you have a total of five identically folded dollar bills. These individual petals will be connected to form your money origami kusudama flower. Your money origami kusudama flower is now complete. This view shows the bottom of the flower. Notice how George Washington’s head creates an interesting symmetrical center for the floral design when viewed from this angle.