Now, you may be wondering where to find such drafts inside the Twitter application. That is why, in this article we will be showing you how to find drafts on Twitter. Keep scrolling down below to find simplified steps so you can easily search for your drafts.

How to Find Drafts on Twitter?

Whenever you type down a tweet and try to cancel it, Twitter gives you an option to save your freshly written tweet as a draft on the application. All of your drafts will be saved in a folder where you can access them at any point to either edit and finish them or even delete them. Finding your Drafts on Twitter is super easy. Just follow the steps below for mobile or desktop:-

On Mobile

You can easily get access to your Drafts on your mobile phone by following a few simple steps:-

1. Tap and hold the ‘New Tweet‘ icon on the bottom right.

2. Tap on the feather icon on the right.

3. You will be sent to your ‘Drafts‘ Folder where you can choose any draft.

On Desktop

Your drafts are saved under ‘Unsent Tweets‘. To get to your drafts on the desktop version of twitter you need to follow a few easy steps:-

1. Open Twitter on your browser and click on the blue ‘Tweet‘ box.

2. Click on ‘Unsent Tweets‘ on the top right.

3. Click om ‘Drafts‘ to access all the drafts you have saved.

Can You Delete a Draft on Twitter?

Yes you can delete a draft on Twitter if you wish to. Just go to your drafts and click on the one that you want to delete. After the tweet is opened, click on ‘Cancel‘ and the click on ‘Delete‘. after doing this your tweet draft will be deleted. This action is permanent and you will not be able to retrieve your tweet again.

Wrap Up

Sometimes we may write a tweet and post it immediately within a few seconds. But sometimes you may not be able to post the tweet because of an unknown reason or maybe because you have not completed it. In those cases you can save your unfinished tweet as a draft and then later open them whenever you may desire. All of your drafts will be saved at one place so it is easier for you to access them and edit or even delete them. In this article, we showed you how to find drafts on Twitter. I hope that is article helped you in some kind of way. That is it for this article but you can leave your questions down below without any hesitation. We will try our best to answer them as quickly as possible.


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